Potato is widely consumed across the world contains 18-20% of Carbohydrate, Potato is cultivated in 2164 ‘000Ha and total production is 46546’000MT.
The major potato growing states are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat and M.P
Export from India (2016-17): 384.24 Thousand MT worth 64,056.48 Lakh Rupees
Solutions for the Progressive Potato Farmer
- Introducing a unique crop management program to maximize yields of your high yielding crops.
- ProRise is a combination of superior products and services* to ehensively address soil health and nutrition needs to maximize Potato Crop Yields.
- *The solutions validated and adopted by leading seed companies
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2.43% of Yield Increased under Pro Rise
– B. Ramakrishna Munagala, Suryapet

5% of Yield Increased under Pro Rise
– V. Venkata reddy Krishnanagar, Suryapet