Solutions for the Progressive Cotton Farmer
- Introducing a unique crop management program to maximize yields of your high yielding crops.
- ProRise is a combination of superior products and services* to ehensively address soil health and nutrition needs to maximize Cotton Crop Yields.
- *The solutions validated and adopted by leading seed companies

25% of Yield Increased under Pro Rise
– A. Rami reddy Dugyala, Nalgonda

9.09% of Yield Increased under Pro Rise
– G. Narsi reddy Gudi pally, Nalgonda

Large boll size which increased my yield by 2.5 quintal per acre
– P Srinu, Venkatayapalem, Warangal

Superb hybrid seeds along with ProRise program
– Mr.Ganesh, Girnoor, Adilabad, used Bayer