Soil is a living thing. Apart from Minerals and Carbon thousands of insects and trillions of microbes call it home.

The productivity of soil for crop growth is a very complex function reflected in its key characteristics viz. soil texture, depth, pH, organic materials, type of micro organisms, salinity, minerals etc...

It has been scientifically proven that certain beneficial microbes contribute significantly to the chemistry and structure of the soil apart from warding off disease causing microbes they help enhance crop growth, yield, quality and protect the crop against abiotic stress including salinity, water and temperature stress.

Crop probiotics in organic farming plays a very important role in

maximising crop returns. Investing in probiotics is as important as investments in seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.

Ecolaid " response" is a result of crop endosphere microbiome studies. It contains proprietary patented crop probiotics and other materials to maximise soil and crop productivity.

Primary Benefits of Ecolaid are higher root and vegetative growth, higher crop yield and quality, reduced diseases (offering protection against some disease casing microbes), superior water and nutrient uptake and better protection against water and salinity stress apart from improving soil productivity.

Product Variants

Seed and Drip Irrigation Probiotics

Soil Probiotics

Soil Probiotics Drip Probiotics