Tomato is a good source of vitamin C, Vitamin K, Pottasium & Folate India stands at fourth position in production of tomatoes next to China, U.S.A. And Turkey. Maximum production of tomatoes takes place in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat etc.
Solutions for the Progressive Tomato Farmer
- Introducing a unique crop management program to maximize yields of your high yielding crops.
- ProRise is a combination of superior products and services* to ehensively address soil health and nutrition needs to maximize Cotton Crop Yields.
- *The solutions validated and adopted by leading seed companies

Reduced flower and fruit drop, superior quality yield with large fruit size
– M Surendra, Kothakota, Nellore

Better flower fruit ratio, and superior quality yields have fetched higher price than others
– G Sudhakar Naidu, Kalikiri, Nellore